Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bovine neighbors...

Okay, this is the third blog of the day...but this will be a short one. I just wanted to post a few pictures of our closest neighbors, so that our "city-slicker" friends/family could get an idea of what our back yard/deck is surrounded by. I had to take the pictures from inside, looking through a screen - otherwise our "neighbors" would have scattered - they're pretty skittish. Enjoy! (More pictures are posted in the Back Deck link if you're really interested).
The bull is in the forefront of the picture - he seemed to be the leader, because when he "mosied" (anyone know how to spell that correctly?) to the next field, all the cows followed.

I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but the cow closest to the deck actually has her neck through the fence and is eating grass from our yard - only about a foot from the edge of our deck.

There were a handful of calves around today - this one was the bravest (or nosiest), and got the closest to the fence. The others "frolicked" further from the house.


Anonymous said...

That is one thing about Blacksburg I will probably miss: all the cows and farm animals when I walk/run outside. Although they do smell awful at times (like the first day of warm weather), they are fun to watch; especially when all the new babies are born- the horses are so active! ( I can't remember what a baby horse is called....calf? pony? hmmm... I shoudl figure that out before I graduate college haha). I will miss the mountains too- but I really only enjoyed them in the summer and early fall when it is bearable outside to go hiking, so now I can just visit the mountains in the nice weather and not have to endure the yucky weather the rest of the year!


Jennie said...

Kelli--I'm so glad you have a blog!! It's such a great way to keep up with people. And especially for people like me who are extemely bad about email and calling.

That baby cow is cute. Makes me glad I don't eat beef. :p

Abbey @ Surviving Our Blessings said...

Hiya, Kelli- remember me?

I'm glad you have a blog. I really enjoyed getting a window into your current life and finding that you are still yourself. :-) It also makes me feel like less of a bad person for not keeping in touch.

I'm going to use the old way of communicating and send you an e-mail to let you know what we're up to...but thanks for letting me know about the blog (which initiated the conversation in the first place)!

Abbey D. from JMU