Saturday, June 2, 2007

Summer is here!!

Well, summer is here in full force. Today 403 campers/chaperones arrived, which means after you add our staff, we are feeding close to 500 people each day - 3 meals a day. I'm glad I'm not in charge of the kitchen, although I am in charge of hamburger night, which is going to be a challenge. But I'm up for it! (I think). We returned from Rachel's wedding and went to work for 8 days straight, and then took yesterday off before the big group arrived. Of course, we got up at 6am so we could drive to Austin for our dentist appointment, and then we filled our car to the brink with sodas and candy/snacks from Sam's for the camp concession stand!

So we didn't exactly goof off all day. But we did get to see the 3rd Pirates of the Carribbean. I will admit I was pretty tired going into the movie so I don't think I was swept away as I might have been had I been fully awake. Also, I couldn't remember what happened in the 2nd movie all that well, so I was a little lost at the beginning, but eventually I caught on. Overall, though, it was a fun movie.

While we were in Austin, we kept seeing tons of motorcycles running around. So it must be some kind of Biker weekend in Austin this weekend. But this guy below really caught my eye.

I mean, I understand that Texas doesn't have a helmet law. And, as I've discussed with friends/family before, the necessity of a helmet law isn't all that important. If a person is dumb enough to ride without a helmet on, maybe it's just as well because in the event of an accident, they will be cleaning up the gene pool a bit (since there's no way they'll survive the accident to reproduce). But this guy, man, I'm almost speechless. A helmet on the back of the bike? We weren't even in a quiet neighborhood where the speed limit is 15 mph (I'd still recommend a helmet even in that case). We were coming out of Sam's club (filled with rushed soccer moms and other crazy drivers, turning onto a super busy 4-lane road, which dumps onto the highway at about 5:30 on Friday afternoon!!! Humanity never ceases to amaze me.

That's all for now. I don't have energy to think up anything else to comment on. Summer camp is definitely here. I started this blog at lunchtime, but didn't finish it until 8:30pm, since we didn't get home from the "office" until 8pm. Whew! Until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was looking at the motorcycle picture and noticed that the stop lights are horizontal and not vertical. Are all of the lights in Austin like that?