Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Life Stages...

So I was thinking today...remember when you were seven and the biggest thing you had going during summer was "Ghost in the Graveyard" with all the neighborhood kids until it got dark and everyone's parents called us back inside to go to bed (at 9pm)? I kinda miss those days. And remember when you were in 6th grade at the "top" of the elementary school and all the younger kids thought you were cool, and wise (okay, maybe not, but it felt like they were looking at you with awe). I was thinking today...that was a long time ago! Back then I couldn't even imagine being out of high school, and here I am - now 28 1/2 (because at one time in my life the 1/2 in my age was very important). How did that happen???

On another semi-related note...for Christmas I was given a journal to write in, which was pretty cool. I started out by immediately listing out goals for 2007. And at the end of each month I evaluated how I was doing. I was failing miserably at all of my goals at the end of January, at the end of February, and same with March and April. Then yesterday I realized I didn't even get to the point of evaluating at the end of May, and now June is practically over (I'm still failing). Again, how did that happen??? Not the part about failing to meet my goals - that happens every year, so that's not a surprise. But how is this summer flying by so fast? And I feel like I'm missing it.

But this weekend we don't have any campers here. Which means we get 2 days off in a row. Sailing, here we come! Sleeping in, here we come! As Walter Mathau said in "IQ", "Wahooooo!".

Well, that's all I have to post for now. Basically I'm tired and distracted, so I don't have more energy to write any more. I'm training a new staff member in the office to take over part of my job, so that I can be trained to help with the accounting. I never knew how many things I do during a day that take explaining. It's pretty draining trying to say every detail that you normally just do without really thinking.

On a more positive note, Jason Edgerton (friend from high school) has a 5 1/2 week old daughter named Alexis, and his wife Jess has a blog for her. It's fun to read just because I don't know anything about babies, so it's all so interesting about the feeding schedules and all that kind of stuff. So if you happen to also be interested in baby pictures, etc, check it out at http://alexedgerton.blogspot.com/.

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