Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where did June go??

Wow, I just realized today that I haven't posted since May! And the post in May was catching up from sewing I did in March! So needless to say, we've been busy with summer camp!!

Yesterday we got to hang out with Ashley & Jon McPherson a little bit (in between camp stuff). I knew Ashley in Nebraska (when we were about 5 yrs old) and our families have kept in touch and even lived together for a few months while my family was looking for a house in Northern Virginia. So it was fun to finally get to meet her husband, Jon, and catch up a little bit. They've been in Waco only 2 hours away from us for several years now, but we never got our act together enough to find each other's contact info until this summer. And now they're moving to Alaska!! So I'm going to plan a trip to Alaska. I've always wanted to visit Alaska, and now I'll actually KNOW someone in Alaska.

Yesterday I had to work in the kitchen so I didn't get to get away to hang out much until after supper. Not long after they arrived at the camp, it thundered and downpoured and we had electrical surges and had to cut off the power to all the buildings. Ashley, Jon and Paul were at our house playing Mexican Train Dominoes when Paul got called away to go turn off power at the camp buildings. Then I got a text message from Ashley saying our fire alarm was going off for no reason, and our oven was displaying "bad line" on the clock screen. So they got to deal with a little excitement while they were here. Personally I think they brought it to the camp because we haven't had real rain since April and it only took 30 minutes of their presence for it to dump buckets and send crazy electricity all over. But I'll forgive them. We had fun despite it all (at least Paul and I had fun - hopefully the feeling was mutual). And Jon showed us how to find them online through our Wii's so we can race on MarioKart from Alaska-Texas. (We'll have to practice more before we challenge them though).

I did learn something about Army chaplains through their least 1 of them anyway. Don't joke about breakfast times. Ashley and Jon had to go to Fort Hood to get their airline tickets so they can go to Alaska, and then go to Dallas to make arrangements to ship their car. So they had a long day ahead of them. So last night as we're deciding when we would all get up and get breakfast, the conversation went like this:

Kelli: What time do you have to leave tomorrow?
Jon: Well, what time is breakfast at the camp?
Kelli: We serve the guests at 7:45am, so we can probably get in about 8:30ish
(pause as we see Jon's wheels turning).
Kelli: Or we can try to go earlier and just get in line with the guests
(another pause as Jon keeps thinking)
Jon: Tomorrow's your day off, right?
Kelli: Yes, so we're flexible.
Paul: Well we could all get up at 6am and leave by 6:30am to go get breakfast burritos in town.
Jon: Yeah, that would be best.

Later that night as we're going to bed Paul says, "I was joking about the 6am part". To which I replied, "But you said it to an Army man, and they 'do more before 6am than most people do all day!'"

Of course we thoroughly enjoyed breakfast (especially since they paid for ours - thanks again guys!). And I'll admit that it's not the first time we've gotten up early to go get breakfast burritos with friends/family before they headed out of town. But I thought the conversation was humorous. (Paul and I also had to get some work done at the camp (yes on our day off) so it was good we got an early start so that we could get OUT of the office earlier and enjoy the rest of the day at home).

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