Anyone know what kind of snake this is? I haven't a clue, but it was cool to see it slither around the rock. We have video of it that you can watch if you're interested. But first I need to find a faster internet connection so I can upload it - maybe I'll get the videos posted next time.
Yep, it's a tarantula. Apparently it was tarantula mating season. I was glad we didn't see one until the last day though. We also have a video of this. Once I get it posted (next time hopefully), I would recommend watching it so you can see it touch Paul's shoe - it will give you perspective of how big it was!
(Another angle of the same tarantula)
Cactus!! We mostly saw some variety of prickly pear cactus (not shown below). So this was a little different, although when it comes to cactus, all I know is that it's pokey and hurts if you get too close! (I readily admit I have no idea what variety of cactus this is).
But look what we found inside the above pictured cactus. We think it's some part of a tarantula - maybe the mandible??
Another variety of cactus that I can't identify. :)
Nope, the yellow part isn't a flower - we think it's new growth (in our humble opinion).
Here's a closeup of the plant above...Name? you want a wouldn't remember if I told you...and I don't know what it's called anyway...but the flower is pretty!
Talk about feeling small!!!
This tree had weirdly shaped berries - they weren't round - they were almost like those pictures of sickle cells that you see in biology pictures.
This is another picture of a lechuguilla plant that had just finished blooming.
The plant below that looks all spindly to the right of the land formation (in the foreground) is the ocotillo plant. Ranger Yost said that because the area had received rain recently, this plant had green leaves. We saw other ocotillo plants around the park that didn't have green leaves anymore - because it hadn't received rain. So it's a pretty smart plant - and not a cactus even though it has huge thorns! The first picture is one that Heather took - mine wasn't as nice. Thanks for sharing Heather!
This is a close-up picture I took of the ocotillo showing its leaves. See what I mean when I say huge thorns?
Well, for now I'm going to leave it at this. I have more plant/animal pictures I want to post (we have a few of a Mexican blue jay!). But I'm out of time for now. So check back in later!
I can't believe you saw a tarantula. And stayed around to photograph it! I'd have been running away screaming.
And, dear, you didn't go to Charlotte. Chapel Hill! ;)
The photos are gorgeous!
One day, I will have saved all my pennies and I will be able buy a camera like yours- you take AMAZING pictures!! I'm jealous! (But I know it's not just the camera, I give credit to the photographer too- you do have an eye!)
I think the plant with the purple flower is a type of sage - perhaps Leucophyllum frutescens, otherwise known (among other names) as Texas Sage. (
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