Thursday, March 1, 2007

Billy Blanks Boot Camp

So my sister is getting MARRIED in May and I'm a bridesmaid. And I really want to get back in shape before then, so Paul and I purchased the Billy Blanks Boot Camp DVDs. It's 3 DVDs - Basic Boot Camp, Abs Boot Camp, and Ultimate Boot Camp ($20 at Sam's Club - a great deal). It came with these bands that you use to add resistance to build muscle, etc. So Tuesday night we both tried it out, but I wimped out on the bands part. Today, though, we got up before work and did the whole video and I used the bands. Can I just say...


I know I'm going to feel this all over tomorrow! And we just did the Basic Boot Camp - I haven't even opened the other two DVDs.

I hope I can stick with it, and that the pain pays off with visible results in May. Whew!

1 comment:

julieree said...

Kelli!!!! I am sooooooooo excited you got a blog. SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!

I just looked through your pics and oh good gracious some of those memory lane ones take me back. eep!

ok best of luck with the Billy Blanks--I have been so bad about exercising, though Jennie and I did take a walk today which is something.

I am so happy I get to keep up with you and what's going on in TX! yippeee!